Saturday, December 10, 2005

Xmas Cheer

Not that I'm the unsympathetic sort...
Auckland City Mission notes 20% increase in food parcels this year citing families' worsening financial fortunes. Auckland - isn't that mainly red on the electoral map?* Remind those Labour voters that under a Brash govt, they'd likely be paying ONLY 19% of their wages instead of 33% - just imagine how sweet that extra cash would be right now...

* Blatant Hypocrisy Note: Acknowledgment that I, too, am also citizen of a (beautiful, but) Solidly Red City here in WellingTown - although technically 'purple' since I reside in Revenue Minister's patch. Actually, since I'm on the Maori Roll, in the very Labour Te Tai Tonga electorate, I guess that makes me a pinko, too, by association! Drats!

The best gift ever
I'm hoping, despite all raging ethical arguments, our first Kiwi PGD pregnant mum gets her long cherished wish fulfilled and delivers a healthy, happy child. The case sounds more of an IVF-type procedure than conceited attempt at genetically designing babies IMHO. Good luck, mum!

Doctor requiring gonad transplant
Royal Air Force medic & national embarrassment to be court martialed for chickening out of duty in Iraq. All of which prompts the perennial question: Why do pacifists join the armed forces in the first place? Since smart enough to become a doctor, surely he can figure out the inseparable connection between the military and one of its core functions; Warfare. Anyone belligerent of orders in a chain of command are unsuited for service in any highly regimented hierarchy. Get rid of the doofus! I hope the Poms jail him... in Baghdad - where he can pine for that poor, hard-done-by, genocidal maniac, Saddam.


Phil said...

At 38, much too old, lazy & useless to be in the military.
Trolling own blog? I don't get it! It's My Blog; I can say anything - no need to troll. If it helps, my old man's a Pom - and they practically invented moaning. And mum's a Maori - and we all know they're like with a bee-in-bonnet! So it's genetic, y'see.

Truth? Credibility? Integrity?
Hey, come on! I'm a "blogger", I don't get 'paid' to write this blithering nonsense. If I did, I'd be a "New Zealand Herald" journalist ;-)

(apologies to King John, Fran, Audrey, Ruth, Colin & the few sane other politicos at THAT :-O PAPER)

Phil said...

"Is he in fact a national embarrassment?"
You bet!

"chickening out, he could have changed his mind, learned more about what's going on"
Like, they kill people in the armed forces during war

"He would be, by definition, a healer not a killer"
Doctors kill people: abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide

"In fact most people are not killers unless they have a really good reason"
The annals of history, pyschology and criminology suggest a number of reasons why a good many people, do, in fact, kill

"Many including soldiers are discovering that the 'war' in Iraq is not a good reason"
50 million free Iraqis feel it's a SUPERB reason

"Is he a pacifist?"
Is Helen Clark a dyke?

"All those here in America who object to service in Iraq are not pacifists; many still strongly support the military itself"
Should have chosen your war hero Jean Kerry last November.

"Actually, the military has various non-combatant service positions, like, say, medical staff?"
I'm sure you have a point, somewhere...

"How does opting out of combat in Iraq imply support of Saddam?"
Surely you're not serious? Google "War" - scroll down to the 'opposing sides' bit.

"That's some classic logical fallacy argument..."
Heck, you musta got me mixed up with - happens ALL the time...

"you do need the truth, credibility, integrity stuff. Even if you don't get paid."
If I had truth, credibility & integrity the NZHerald would never hire me

Cheers mate,
God bless you and God Bless Mr. George W. Bush, the President of the United States of America!

Phil said...

ps - phil and philip are the same above, i.e. (moi). Just me muckin' round with profile thingey, having a haututu as they say.

Anonymous said...

Pay 33%? heck, no, I pay a lot less than that. Mind you, I do earn less than $40k. Nationals wonderful generous tax cut would have given me $6 a week...hardly enough to cover the extra heath spending and road tolls, after they'd kicked the shit out of the country...