Thursday, August 03, 2006

a mixed bag

Bush Bashers
Center for Media and Public Affairs survey confirms long-suspected bias against president Bush in network news bulletins from American biggies ABC, CBS and NBC. Comparing 'negative' vs 'positive' coverage during his time in office:
2001 (all): 61% negative
2002 N/A
2003: 69% negative
2004: 63% negative
2005: 79% negative
2006: 76% negative
Considering nearly all our 'American news' clips are sourced from those networks, it's no wonder our own pathetic newsrooms broadcast such contumely, dishonest garbage about Our Man. Disgraceful. Thank goodness for the internet, the New York Post, and the Washington Times.

buzz off
World Health Organization expected to approve the reintroduction of DDT as anti-malarial pesticide in developing countries. Bad news for greenies (and mozzies), but a victory for common sense (and long-suffering humans in afflicted areas).

psychotic sibyl
Currently having an affair with the poems of Sylvia Plath. Yes, I know she's a psycho-nut case from hell, but I really enjoy her garish, way-over-the-top tumultuous morbidity.
To my knowledge, no one since has managed to out-tantrum her, or top her crockery-throwing histrionics. Such a tormented soul:
Is an art, like everything else.
I do it exceptionally well.

I do it so it feels like hell.
I do it so it feels real.
I guess you could say I've a call.
[from Lady Lazarus]

A High Priestess of angst and inky blackness. Messed-up mommy-dearest muse, angry
avenging angel, and implacable hurtling tornado, devouring all in its path. My kinda gal! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, Plath is hissy fit queen and in that respect, her poetry rocks.
