Sunday, June 17, 2007


If you don't mind me saying...
It's Sunday. What is a day of rest or worship for many, must be a truly uncomfortable time of the week for libertarians. Have you noticed how prickly and hostile they become at even the merest hint of anything religious. I've met some hyper-sensitive individuals in my time, but for heaven's sake! (a figure of speech - in case libs get offended) it's gotten so bad, I find myself self-censoring lest they crucify me (yikes, wrong choice of words!).

It's odd. Many claim libertarianism to be a broad church (oops!) encompassing conservatives, liberals and disciples (sorry!) of Ayn Rand. But after observing many lib blogs, I had an epiphany... (Jeepers! I meant to say "realisation" - apologies to all upset libs). Yes, it's been a revelation (i.e. 'a disclosure', and not, I stress, the final book in the body of scripture that must not be invoked in libertarian company), that the very word "God" seems to scare the devil out of them.

Good Lord! (if you'll excuse the expression) what is wrong with these people? Is it a sin crime to even tangentially refer to matters of belief? I don't want to make libertarians cross (as in 'angry' - not two intersecting lines symbolising you-know-what), but I have very little faith... err, 'trust' in these very same folk who preach... I mean 'advocate' freedom of speech.


Deadman said...

Sounds liked a Libertarian took a bite out of your ass...

Phil said...

Yup, libertarians can bite my ass, alright :-)