Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Save Paikea!

Where's a Fat Boy when you need one?
Fond remembrances of Hiroshima & Nagasaki on hearing Japs increasing cetacean slaughter in the Southern Whale Ocean Sanctuary. Greedy, poaching Nips! They begin 2006 at #1 on the International Hate List.

As an aside, aren't we lucky the Greens & Labour didn't win big in the election? Probably woulda passed their "Hate Speech" legislation by now, rendering my International Hate List illegal. My blog would've been shut down the first week I started - LOL. Enjoy being offensive while you still can!

Anyhow, I'm not a greeny, but some things are far too cute to kill. Besides, Paikea is my illustrious ancestor, as is the Tairawhiti tradition. I'm not an economist, but does anyone think we should sell all our stranded whales - like the pod we euthanised the other day - to the Japs? Just tryin'a be businesslike...

T'was a good idea... (in theory)
The dream of a unified Europe in tatters as the 25 EU member states wrestle with deep-rooted, labyrinthine, near intractable problems. What could be wrong with an overly zealous constitution strangling & smothering all business opportunity and entreprenurialism;
cripplingly high taxes and regulations; high unemployment & stagnant economic growth; centuries-old, festering nationalistic resentments between neighbours; ageing native populations far below replacement level and hordes of unassimilable immigrants with swelling, unstoppable, birthrates; mass spiritual disenchantment, barreness & ennui in a 'post-Christian' era. What's not to like? To think the EU once fancied itself as a future counterbalance to the US's global supremacy... ROTFL

why am I not surprised?
The most comprehensive study of ABORTION in NZ -- 13,000 women aged 25 or under -- showed 42% of maternal-gene lacking sheilas who Killed Their Own Baby, later suffered major depression:
"This result is nearly double the rate of those who had never been pregnant and over a third higher than those who had chosen to continue their pregnancy"
In other words: Baby Killing May Be Harmful To Your Mental Health. It is, of course, 100% harmful to the baby, 100% of the time. I wonder what libertarians, who heartily endorse abortion, make of all this. I wonder what advice, if any, they'd prescribe. Personally, I think women who choose to KILL their babies have gotta be pretty deranged in the first place, but that's just me...


Bomber said...

Phil - please do one of those political spectrum things so we can see where the hell you are.

Anonymous said...

The fact that mental health problems are the only legal grounds for abortion has probably not quite registered in your tiny minds....

Phil said...

Tim, I'm a hardcore Presisdent Bush fan - tuturu to the max! So, I guess that makes me a sort of "Republican" or what ever the kiwi equivalent is...

I took the test - I was a "fascist"
Yikes, you can see why I don't boast about it...

Phil said...

That should have read: "President Bush" - of course.

Just wondering... what would be the kiwi version of the Republicans?
Destiny NZ? ACT? I doubt it's Don Brash's party...
Oops, sorry, hope I haven't offended any Nats...
(me & my big mouth)

Bomber said...

Hard to say. US politics is a funny old game with factions within the 2-party system vying for dominance. Some Dems are very pro-war for example (Lieberman) and some Republicans (McCain) are willing to confront Bush. It's apples with oranges comparisons re: US-NZ.

Thanks for doing the test... Nazi :)